2021 – A new year of big wins
A new addition that was added to fermentation and distillation tanks include a water chiller that helps control temperatures even further. This is the year when their newest flavour Fusion was created and is made from Papaya spirits and espresso. Another shoo-in milestone included the distribution of FBQ Spirits for all of Dan Murphy’s stores north of Maryborough. This included Croc Vodka, Croc Coffee, and Crock Piss Original available in 190ml bottles.
As the wheels began spinning for great distribution by BWS and Dan Murphy, FNQ Spirits won the Silver medal for Croc Vodka, Croc Coffee, and Papaya Schnapps at the 2021 London International Spirits Competition. This was the first competition and win that has given Far North Queensland locals to celebrate. This comes with the announcement recently with the creation of the newest flavour Papaya Passionfruit with a bit of help from Skybury Farms.

Other new exciting blends now include Limezello that was concocted with more new help from Caamano Farms. This recipe further evolved and became refined and was renamed limoncello, which will be produced very soon. On top of all these new developments, includes a bigger and better fermenter that should arrive this December. But not before more great news for FNQ Spirit fans.
Croc Piss has won the Australian “Rum of the Year” at this year’s Melbourne International Spirits Competition. Along with that win, Croc Vodka has won the silver medal, while Croc Piss Clear took the bronze at the same competition as well. But the biggest recent win includes the Global Vodka Masters Winner held in London this year.
Our Achievements
2019 – Clearing the slate
It was all due to 18 years of working in the mental health sector that Troy Read had reached his limits. Looking to make changes for the better and clear his head of heavy thoughts, the natural beauty of Far North Queensland was his mental paint for a brighter picture to come. Troy was no slacker when he took-on a challenge that would stone the crows using an idea that made perfect sense.
Using the local lifestyle and laid back FNQ flare that plays a big part in this region, borne an idea that wasn’t hard to swallow. This is where Croc Piss started from countless hours of research, refining, and distillation. But much like any other success story can evolve, it’s the heart and soul of Far North Queensland that needed to be carefully preserved in a drinkable form to maintain that wild and tropical nature FNQ locals have come to love.
With the help from friends and family, Troy decided to start FNQ Spirits by applying for a liquor license and worked slowly toward getting set up to get products ready. This started with renting a modest 100 square meter shed located in Bungalow. It might not have been the best thing since sliced bread, but Troy knew he needed to deliver the goods when the time came.
After the very first still arrived, the decision to use the name Croc Piss made perfect sense. The still itself had reservations that would require refining and fine-tuning. It took 6-months just for experimentation and trying different yeasts. These were all tested with higher and lower sugar concentrations on each batch. Finally, when the recipe was nearly refined, the first barrels had arrived, and just in time! Croc Piss Clear was already born.